Author's Guidelines


It is free to publish in and read Central and Eastern European Migration Review (CEEMR).

There are no submission fees or article processing charges (APCs).


  • Articles in English (British English) should be submitted as MS Word files (*.doc or *.docx) or Rich Text Format (*.rtf) using the "Submit an Article" button on the CEEMR website.
  • The maximum length for articles is 9,000 words.
  • Documents to be submitted:
  1. A separate file including: first name, last name, e-mail, author’s affiliation and the title of the article.
  2. The main file with the article including: a) title of the article, b) abstract of 150 to 200 words, c) three to six keywords. Figures and Tables should not be included in this file. Please indicate in the text where they should be placed in the final version of the publication. All information that might reveal the author’s identity should be also removed from this file.
  3. A separate file (Word format) including Figures (if necessary)
  4. A separate file (Word format) including Tables (if necessary)
  5. A separate file (preferably in Excel format) including source Tables and Figures (if necessary).
  • Documents to be submitted after review:
  1. Documents listed above
  2. File with the main text indicating changes that were made (track changes version)
  3. Files with replies to reviewers.


Articles may be theoretical or empirical, but in the case of empirically focused manuscripts the subject matter should be suitably positioned in theoretical and/or conceptual terms.

The article submitted to CEEMR should satisfy the following conditions:

  • The goal of the research (research questions) should be clearly demonstrated.
  • The goal of the research should be situated in the empirical and theoretical context.
  • The research method should be clearly demonstrated and linked to the research goals.
  • The article should demonstrate some line of reasoning which leads to answers to the research questions.

The article should consist of around 5-7 sections (the analytical structure of the article should support the logics of reasoning developed in it) including the following sections:

1. ‘Introduction’ setting out:

  • the context of the presented study/issue
  • the main goals of the article preferably in a form of research questions or research hypotheses
  • a short introduction of the method of data collection and analysis employed
  • the structure of the article (optional).

2. ‘Theoretical background’ including main and most recent positions and theoretical approaches developed in the field of the study examined in the article.

3. A section or subsection devoted to the method of data collection and analysis demonstrating:

  • the character of data and information used
  • the description of the fieldwork (if fieldwork was conducted within the study)
  • a demonstration of the method of analysis employed in the article.

4. ‘Results’ devoted to the description of results of the study presented in the article. Usually the main part of the article.

5. ‘Discussion’ and/or ‘conclusion’ giving answers to the research questions/hypotheses and/or showing how goals of the article have been achieved and also its contribution to the literature.


  • Text format:
  1. Font – Times New Roman, 11 points, except in the descriptions to tables, graphics and figures (source, notes) – 9 points.
  2. Line spacing – 1.5 lines (in the footnotes – single).
  3. Margins (top, bottom, left and right) – 2.5 cm.
  4. The text should be justified, i.e. aligned to the right and left side. Exceptions are headings which should be aligned to the left.
  5. Each paragraph should begin indented (1.25 cm tab), except for paragraphs following subheadings, tables, figures, illustrations and lists.
  • Use up to 2 levels of subheadings following the formats below (do not number the headings):

Heading – first level

Heading – second level

  • Use single quotation marks to signal verbatim quotes or to introduce words and phrases that are not themselves quotes but to which you wish to draw attention as lexical items.
  • Short quotes of up to 50 words should be run into the surrounding text. They are set off by opening and closing quotation marks only.
  • Extended (block) quotations of more than 50 words should be indented and separated from the surrounding text by paragraph spacing before and after. No quotation marks are required.
  • Italicise titles of books, titles of journals and foreign words.
  • All numbers should appear as figures.
  • Do use commas to indicate thousands, e.g. 4,000,000.
  • Percentages should be written ‘per cent’, not ‘%’.
  • Tables, figures and other illustrations should be numbered consecutively and titled, with the source given in a note below the table. All explanations to tables, figures or illustrations should come as a note above the table source. Each table, figure and illustration should be referred to in the text.
  • Figures should be submitted also in separate files in MS Excel.
  • Use endnotes not footnotes, numbered with Arabic numerals. Endnotes should be kept to a minimum. Endnote numbers should be placed after punctuation (after the full stop or comma).
  • Use only the Latin alphabet. Transliteration from Russian should be done according to the system approved by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names.
  • Reference to literature in the main text should be placed in brackets: author’s name and year of publication, and where necessary (e.g. when quoting verbatim) the page number after a colon, e.g.:

(Jaźwińska and Okólski 2001)

(Jaźwińska and Okólski 2001: 102)

  • When the author’s name is cited in the main text, then in brackets indicate only the year of publication and page number if necessary, e.g.:

Kaczmarczyk (2004: 27) distinguishes…

  • When there are 3 or more authors, the first reference in the text should include the names of all the authors; subsequent references should give the name of the first author only and the abbreviation: ‘et al.’, e.g.:

first reference: (Górny, Grabowska-Lusińska, Lesińska and Okólski 2010)

subsequent reference: (Górny et al. 2010)

When the names of several authors of the cited work are a part of the sentence, the name of only the first author should be given followed by ‘et al.’, and then by the year of publication given in parenthesis, e.g.:

Górny et al. (2010)…

  • The bibliography should be placed at the end of the text. Items should be listed in alphabetical order and include only publications quoted in the text. At the same time, all the items referenced in the main text should be included in the bibliography. Italics should only be used in titles of books, titles of journals, titles of working papers, titles of conference papers and titles of works from the Internet.
  • Book:
  • One author:

Piore M. J. (1979). Birds of Passage: Migrant Labor and Industrial Societies. New York: Cambridge University Press.

  • If more than one work by a given author is quoted, they should be listed in chronological order (from oldest to newest), e.g.:

Joppke C. (1999). Immigration and the Nation State...

Joppke C. (2017). Is Multiculturalism Dead?...

  • If several works by a given author have been published in the same year, they should be listed in alphabetical order according to the first letter of the title. Moreover, a small letter (i.e. ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ etc.) should be added after the year of publication in correspondence with the order of appearance of these works in the bibliography.

Pędziwiatr K. (2011a). Muslims in

Pędziwiatr K. (2011b). The Established

  • Two or more authors:

Grabowska-Lusińska I., Okólski M. (2009). Emigracja ostatnia? Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.

  • If several works of the given author, being co-authored by other authors, are quoted, they should be listed in alphabetical order, according the name of the second author. Works by teams of authors should be listed in chronological order (from oldest to newest), e.g.:   

Fihel A., Kaczmarczyk P., Okólski M. (2007). Rozszerzenie…

Fihel A., Okólski M. (2008). Bilans demograficzny…

Fihel A., Okólski M. (2009). Dimensions and…

  • Edited book:

Jaźwińska E., Okólski M. (eds) (2001). Ludzie na huśtawce. Migracje między peryferiami Polski i Zachodu. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.

  • Book in a series:

Okólski M. (ed.) (2012). European Immigrations: Trends, Structures and Policy Implications. IMISCOE Research Series. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

  • Book in press:

Kaczmarczyk P., Lesińska M. (eds) (in press). Krajobrazy migracyjne Polski. Warsaw: Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami UW.

  • Book chapter:

Engbersen G., Snel E., de Boom J. (2010). 'A Van Full of Poles': Liquid Migration from Central and Eastern Europe, in: R. Black, G. Engbersen, M. Okólski, C. Pantiru (eds) A Continent Moving West? EU Enlargement and Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe, pp. 115-140. IMISCOE Research. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

  • Working Paper:

Fihel A. (ed.) (2011). Recent Trends in International Migration in Poland. The 2011 SOPEMI report. CMR Working Papers 52, 110. Warsaw: Centre of Migration Research.

  • Journal article:

Stola D. (1998). Migrations in Central and Eastern Europe. International Migration Review 32(124): 1069-1072.

  • Article in press:

Piekut A., Rees P., Valentine G., Kupiszewski M. (in press). Multidimensional Diversity in Two European Cities: Thinking Beyond Ethnicity. Environment and Planning A.

  • Conference paper:

Toruńczyk-Ruiz S. (2012). Neighbour Relations and Attitudes Towards Diversity in Socially Mixed Areas: The Case of Warsaw, paper delivered at the conference titled ‘Living with Difference’, Leeds, 12-13 September 2012.

  • Newspaper article:

Iglicka K. (2010). Poles Are not Trying to Escape UK. The Guardian, 23 January. (accessed 1 June 2013).

  • Works from the Internet:

Górny A. (2005). New Phenomena and Old Legislation: Regulations Regarding the Acquisition of Citizenship in Poland. (accessed 21 January 2013).

  • Two or more initials of an author must not be separated by space, e.g.:

Castles S., Miller M.J. (1993). The Age of Migration…


We expect all participants in the publishing process, which includes authors, journal editors, reviewers and journal administrators, to adhere to established principles of ethical publishing.

General procedure

  • Each submitted article is first assessed by the editorial board to determine whether it fits the thematic and geographical scope of the journal, meets the expected academic standards and is free from plagiarism (each submitted article undergoes checks for plagiarism with the use of the CrossRef Similarity Check). The article will be subject to desk rejection if it does not meet these criteria.
  • Then the article is initially evaluated by one of the editorial board members who specialises in the relevant area.
  • If it passes this stage, the article is anonymised by the managing editor and sent to at least two independent external reviewers who specialise in the topic of the article. It goes through a double-blind peer-review process, which means that the author(s) and the reviewers do not know their names. Reviewers must not have the same institutional affiliation as the author.
  • The reviewers are asked to complete an article review form within one month. The reviewers make a scholarly assessment and a recommendation to the editors. The review contains an unambiguous conclusion concerning the conditions for accepting or rejecting the article. There are four possible options for the overall assessment of the article (in addition to a detailed and descriptive evaluation according to the enclosed article review form): (a) suitable for publication without changes or after minor corrections, (b) suitable for publication, but requires significant changes, (c) not suitable for publication, but author(s) may resubmit the article, provided significant changes have been made, (d) not suitable for publication. The editor responsible for managing the article considers the manuscript and the reviewers’ comments before making a recommendation either to accept, accept with revision or to reject it.
  • The reviews can be supplemented by additional comments from the responsible editor, editor-in-chief or another representative of the editorial board. The author has one month to revise the article and send it back with a clear indication of the changes made and responses to the reviews.
  • Several rounds of article assessment and feedback are possible if the article is considered to be publishable after revision.
  • If the reviews are contradictory, a third reviewer is appointed, or the editorial board makes its decision on the basis of previous reviews and its additional assessment.
  • The final decision on accepting or rejecting the article is made by the editorial board. The main basis for rejection or acceptance of an article is the suggestions included in the reviewers’ reports.
  • The journal accepts articles which fit the thematic and geographical scope of the journal, meet the expected academic and ethical standards, and contribute to the international migration scholarship.
  • The articles which do not meet one or more above criteria are subject to rejection.
  • After approval, the article is sent for production.
  • The standard review procedure takes about 12 weeks. Currently, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this process may be longer than usual.

All articles published in CEEMR undergo the review procedure described above.

Only introductions to special sections, interviews with renowned researchers or accounts of scientific debates are subject only to internal editorial review.

Special issues/sections

  • Articles for a special issue or section are collected by inviting experts in the field to contribute to the issue or through an open call for articles.
  • Each article for the special issue or section goes through the same review process as all articles: double-blind peer review process involving two independent reviewers.
  • The final decision on accepting or rejecting the article for the special issue or section is made by the editorial board.

Appeals and complaints

Authors can appeal against a rejection of a paper by contacting Decisions on appeals are made by the Editor-in-Chief after consultating with the editorial board members responsible for handling the article.

Authors, as well as other interested parties, may lodge complaints by writing to In cases of misconduct, the procedure for handling is described in the Publication Ethics section.


Articles published in CEEMR are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) License.

Authors can deposit their articles immediately upon publication in repositories for scientific publication, their scientific profiles, etc. without the permission of the editorial board, but the source of the publication must be cited.


Authors retain the copyright of their article and retain publishing rights.

Last updated: 5 December 2024.